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// ==UserScript== // @name [2015] OGame Redesign: Planet Menus // @description [Need to change AGO Tooltip settings or won't work properly] Puts menus in the tooltip of each planet to switch to that planet's corresponding page // @namespace Vesselin // @version 1.05 // @date 2012-10-18 // @author Vesselin Bontchev // @include http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?*page=* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=search* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=logout* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=buddies* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=payment* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=notices* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=showmessage* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=traderlayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=rocketlayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=searchLayer* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=combatreport* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=globalTechtree* // @exclude http://*.ogame.*/game/index.php?page=station*&openJumpgate=1* // ==/UserScript== /************************************************************ * * Need to change AGO Tooltip settings or won't work properly * ************************************************************/ (function () { // The following "if" is not really necessary but with it this script will work for Opera too if (document.location.href.indexOf ("/game/index.php") < 0) return; var myFunc = (function () { const reduceMenu = false; // Don't put on the menu an item pointing to the same page as the current one const addMessages = true; // Put a menu item pointing to the message box (experimental!) $ (document).ready (function () { function initClueTips () { $ ("div.smallplanet a.planetlink,a.moonlink") .cluetip ("destroy") .cluetip ({ width: 160, leftOffset: 0, showTitle: false, sticky: true, local: true, arrows: true, mouseOutClose: false, titleAttribute: "", closeText: "" }) .attr ("title", "") ; } function firstCap (theString) { return theString.charAt (0).toUpperCase () + theString.slice (1); } var url = document.location.href; var session = url.match (/\&session=([a-f0-9]{1,12})/i); if (session && session.length > 1) session = "&session=" + session [1]; else session = ""; var menus = [ ["overview", ""], ["resources", ""], ["station", ""], ["research", ""], ["shipyard", ""], ["defense", ""], ["fleet1", ""], ["galaxy", ""] ]; var version5 = false; var version = $ ("meta[name='ogame-version']"); if (version.length) { version = version.attr ("content"); if (version !== undefined) { var versionMajor = version.split ("."); if (versionMajor.length >= 1) { versionMajor = parseInt (versionMajor [0], 10); version5 = versionMajor >= 5; } } } $ ("a.menubutton span").each (function (index, element) { for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { if ((menus [i] [1] == "") && (element.parentNode.href.indexOf (menus [i] [0]) >= 0)) { menus [i] [1] = element.textContent; break; } } }); if (addMessages) { var messAlert = document.getElementById ("message_alert_box"); if (messAlert == null) messAlert = document.getElementById ("message_alert_box_default"); if (messAlert) { var messTitleWords = messAlert.title.replace (/[\d:]+/g, "").replace (/^\s\s*/, "").replace (/\s\s*$/, "").split (/\s+/); menus.push (["messages", firstCap (messTitleWords [messTitleWords.length - 1].replace (/\(.+\)/, ""))]); } } $ ("div.smallplanet a.planetlink,a.moonlink").each (function (index, element) { var cps = element.href.match (/\&cp=([\d]{1,8})/i); if ((cps == null) || (cps.length < 2)) return true; var cp = cps [1]; var menuId = "planetMenu" + (index + 1).toString (); var myUl = (version5) ? "<ul>" : $ ("<ul />"); for (var i = 0; i < menus.length; i++) { if (reduceMenu && ((url.indexOf ("page=" + menus [i] [0]) >= 0) || ((url.indexOf ("page=movement") >= 0) && (menus [i] [0] == "fleet1")))) continue; if (version5) myUl += '<li><a href="' + "index.php?page=" + menus [i] [0] + session + "&cp=" + cp + '">' + menus [i] [1] + '</a></li>'; else $ (myUl) .append ($ ("<li />") .append ($ ("<a />") .attr ("href", "index.php?page=" + menus [i] [0] + session + "&cp=" + cp) .append (menus [i] [1]))) ; } if (version5) { myUl += "</ul>"; var title = $ (this).attr ("title") || ""; if (title.length) title += "<hr>"; title += myUl; $ (this).attr ("title", title); $ (this).addClass ("tooltipCustom"); if ($ (this).hasClass ("moonlink")) $ (this).addClass ("tooltipRight"); } else { $ (element.parentNode).append ($ ("<div />") .attr ("id", menuId) .hide () .append ($ ("<div />") .attr ("id", "TTWrapper") .addClass ("TTInner") .css ("width", "160px") .append ($ ("<div />") .append (element.title.replace (/^\|/, "")) .append ($ ("<div />") .addClass ("body") .css ("width", "160px") .css ("margin-left", "-6px") .append ($ ("<div />") .css ("margin-left", "45px") .css ("margin-top", "5px") .append (myUl)))))) ; $ (element).attr ("rel", "#" + menuId); } }); if (! version5) setInterval (initClueTips, 1000); }); }).toString (); var script = document.createElement ("script"); script.setAttribute ("type", "application/javascript"); script.textContent = "(" + myFunc + ") ();"; document.body.appendChild (script); }) ();